Friday, July 20, 2012

Concordia Language Villages, International Day

     Located in the beautiful northwoods of Minnesota, Concordia Language Villages offers language immersion programs in 15 different languages.  Twice each summer, we celebrate this with an international festival.  On Friday afternoon, August 10, 2012, we will be celebrating in the 11 languages that currently have immersion programs in progress.  For a more complete description of the activities and languages involved, please click on this site; International Days, 2012.

     To get an idea of the fun and excitement experienced by the learners and staff, or to observe and interact with them and others, come visit with us on August 10.  Admission and participation in activities is free, including but not limited to a tour of the 5 villages at this site.  However, you may wish to bring some money to purchase food and beverages and some exotic items at the International Bazaar.

     Be sure to be here for the opening ceremony at 2 PM, for the colorful entrance of all the different villages. And if you get a chance, stop by and say "hi" to me in the language of your choice at the International Cafe.  We have soft drinks, ice cream and chairs in the shade for that brief respit you may be needing.  Feel free to bring in food from one of the many stands near-by selling international cuisine.

     Questions or comments?  Click on 'comments' below, or send me an e-mail at

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Eric Dregni's "Vikings in the Attic"

     Mandag aften, 9. juli, kloka 7  på  Bemidji bibliotket, Eric Dregni kommer og snakker over sin nye buk, "Vikings in the Attic."   De er en historie om en amerikansk hvem finner sine norske  røtter. .
     Eric er også opphavsman av "In Cod We Trust," om sine opplevelser da han og familie sine bodde et år i Norge.
     Kom mandag aften for en interessant presentasjon på Bemidji biblioteket.

     Monday evening, July 9th at 7 pm at the Bemidji library, Eric Dregni will come and speak about his new book, "Vikings in the Attic."  It is a story about an American finding his Norwegian roots.
     Eric is also the author of "In Cod We Trust," about his experiences when he and his family lived a year in Norway.
     Come Monday evening for an interesting presentation at the Bemidji library.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Ninguna reunión de la mesa de español ésta semana, No meeting of the Spanish table this week

A causa de la celebración  de la fiesta nacional de Los EEUU, el cuatro de julio, no se reunió esta semana la mesa de español.  Qué nos vemos la semana que viene.

Because of the US holiday, the Fourth of July, the Spanish table will not meet this week.  See you next week.