Anishinaabemowin gichi-bakaanad, gichi-zanagad. Mii-zhigwa bangi etago ingikendan, aanawi nin-ga-gikinawaabam.
Ojibwe language is very different, very difficult. Right now I know very little, but I will learn.
In the 18 days since I started, I've completed 6 lessons on the Pimsleur CD's. Last week I bought the books "Daga Anishinaabemodaa" and the "Concise Dictionary of Minnesota Ojibwe" I mentioned in the last post. Because I've been working with the CD's, the first section in the text on pronunciation went very quickly, as did the first vocabulary and phrases section. By the end of February I will have finished the 4 remaining lessons on the CD's, and 5 or 6 lessons in the textbook. I should then be ready then to speak halting Ojibwe with my neighbors here in the Bemidji area. A little slower than I had planned but, as with other languages, I hope to soon hit an "Aha!" moment.
As always, comments, criticisms or questions are welcome. Click on "comments" below, or send me an email at