Sunday, July 15, 2018

Yes, I'm Still Here

    As I haven't posted anything on this site since June of 2016, I just wanted to let you know I'm still here.  I still attend most of Bemidji's language tables on a weekly basis.

     The French table has dwindled down to 2 regulars, and has morphed into a Mandarin Chinese table, but we still change to French on the rare occasion that a French speaker appears.

   The Ojibwe table is not meeting this summer, but will probably resume again some time in September.

     The Norwegian, Italian and Spanish tables each have between 4 and 8 regular participants.

     You are all still most welcome to participate in any of these tables at your pleasure.  The schedules and locations are listed to the right.

Russian Bots and Trolls

     As I have not written anything here for 2 years, site traffic has reduced significantly to only 33 hits in the last month.  Curiously, 30 of the 33 hits originated in Russia.  I'm guessing that Vladimir Putin's crew has my site on their regular route.  I've always had some traffic from Russia, but NEVER 94% of ALL traffic.

     Donald, if you're listening, when you meet with Vladimir on Monday, maybe you could ask him what he finds so interesting about this old polyglot from Northern Minnesota.

     To the one or two REAL people from Russia who may have looked at my site in the last month, thank you for your interest, and I hope you haven't taken offence about my comments on Mr. Putin and Mr. Trump.