Monday, November 28, 2011

Norsk og Minnesotisk, Norwegian and Minnesotan

Note to English speakers:  The Minnesotan "th" sound, as in "the, then, that" has no equivalent in English.  It's a cross between the English "th" and "d" sound, a very soft "d", similar to the Spanish "d" in "cada".  At least here in Northwestern Minnesota.  You must also lengten your "o", like MinnesotanAnd remember to vary your tones a little when you talk, almost like singin  doncha know..
Ordliste  Vocabulary
kunne                        ville                            skulle                              hadde
could or coulda         would or woulda       should or shoulda           had or hadda

På norskebordet snakket vi over gramatikk, Spesifisere modal aksiliere med forgangen partisipelen.
At the Norwegian table we talked about grammar.  Specially modal auxiliaries wit past participles.

Det var meget vanskelig, men det var lettere, om du tenker på minnesotisk da.
It was really tuff, but it was easier when you tink in Minnesotan ya know.

Tak til buken "Spoken Norwegian" på Haugen og Chapman for eksemplene.
Tanks to the book "Spoken Norwegian" by Haugen and Chapman for the examples.

Det ville være hyggelig.                                 Det ville vært hyggelig
That would be nice                                        That woulda been nice

Hvordan ville du ordne det da?                     Hvordan ville du ordnet det da?
How would you arrange it then?                  How woulda you arrangt it then?

Der kunne du gå på ski året rundt.               Der kunne du gått på ski året rundt
there you could go skiin year rount              There ya coulda gone skiin year rount.

Du skulle tale minnesotisk da                        Du skulle talet minnesotisk da.
Ya should talk Minnesotan ya know             Ya shoulda talked Minnesotan ya know.

Ja da, det var ikke så vanskelig da.              Ya sure now, that wasn't so tuff then.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Le chinois en français

Samedi, à 9 heure, il y avait seulmente deux personnes à la table française.  Comme nous deux aussi étudions le chinois, nous avons choisi à parler le chinois.  après d'une heure, autres ont arrivés et nous avons changé des langues.

星期六, 九点钟, 在法语 的 桌子 徵 有两个人。我们都 学习中文。所以 我们选了说中文。 在一小时之后  另外的人 到来。我们 变化的 语言。

Xing1qi1liu4, jiu1 dian1zhong1, zai4 fa3 yu3 de zhou1zi zhi3 you3 liang3ge ren2.  Wo3men dou1 xue2xi Zhong1wen2.  Suo3yi3 wo3men xuan3le shuo1 Zhong1wen2.  Zai4 yi1 xiao3shi2 zhi1hou4 ling4wai4de ren2 dao4lai2.  Wo3men bian4hua4 de yu3yan2.

Saturday at 9 o'clock there were only 2 people at the French table.  As we both study Chinese, we chose to speak Chinese.  After an hour, others arrived and we changed languages.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Turkish and Italian hours change

Sonraki hafta, İtalyan ve Türk masalar kış saate değiştircekler. Bir saat önce buluşacaklar. Italyan masa saat iki buluşcak ve Türk masa saat dört buluşcak.  Her ikisi Wild Hare'de buluşcaklar.

La prossima settimana, le tavole d'italiano e di turco si cambiaranno le ore per l'inverno.  Le due si riusciranno un'ora prima.  La tavola italiana alle due, e la turca alle cuatro.  Ed adesso le due si riusciranno alla Wild Hare.

Next week, the Italian and Turkish tables will change to winter hours.  They will both meet one hour earlier.  The Italian table at 2pm, and the Turkish table at 4pm.  Both will meet at the Wild Hare.

Buon Cumpleanno Ugo!

La scorsa sera, la tavola italiana ha celebrato il cumpleanno di Ugo con una cena alla Wild Hare.  Lui a novanta anni.  Quasi tutte le settimane viene alla tavola italiana ed ha ci impegnato molto.  Anche ci piaciono le storie della sua giovenezza in Italia.  Buon cumpleanno e grazie per tutti, Ugo.

Last night the Italian table celebrated Ugo's birthday at the Wild Hare with a supper.  He is ninety years old.  Almost every week he comes to the Italian table, and has taught us a lot.  We also enjoy the stories of his youth in Italy.  Happy birthday Ugo, and thank you for everything.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Kan du tala lite svenska? Can you speak a little Swedish?

Last Thursday I spoke with Karen, a nice lady who is active with the American Swedish Institute in Bemidji.  She has organized an ongoing class in Swedish here in Bemidji that meets every Tuesday for about 2 hours at 1:30 in the afternoon.  She said that anyone who speaks some Swedish or wants to learn Swedish is certainly welcome.  Just give her a call at 444-5989 for details.  Välkommen til Svenskabord!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

To have or not to have, あります  またの ありません、Arimasu mata no arimasen, Var vaya varmı, On tai ei ole

The concept of possession is expressed differently in different languages.  Yesterday morning I sat down in my easy chair to study Japanese, and thought to myself, I have my books, but I don't have my coffee.  In Japanese there is no verb for to have. so,  私の 本が あります、しかし コーヒーが ありません。watashi no hon ga arimasu, shikashi koohii ga arimasen.  Literally, my books exist, but my coffee does not exist.  Then I thought, that's the same structure as Turkish;  Kitabım var, ama kahveyem varmı.  My books exist, but my coffee does not exist.  Then my mind drifted to Finnish.  While not the same, the pattern is similiar.  Minulla ovat kirjat, mutta ei ole kahvi.  To me there are books, but there isn't coffee.  Then I got up and made my coffee exist.  Are these languages related?  Not according to current linguistic thought, but that may be a topic for a future article.  In the meantime it makes the concept of "having" easier.
Questions? comments? criticisms?  Click on "comments" below.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Спасибо в России, To Russia with thanks

Сегодня,восемь человек из России  смотрели на моем сайте.  Большье спасибо.  Я не могу говорить по русские, я не могу читать по русские.  но если вы пишете английском, испанском, француз, немецком, или итальянском, я вам отвечу.  Используйте 'comments' ниже, или e-почте,
ваш Миннесота друг,   Дaвид

English:  Yesterday, eight people from Russia looked at my website.  Thank you very much.  I cannot speak or read Russian.  But if you write in English, Spanish, French, German or Italian, I will answer.  Use "comments" below or email at
Your Minnesota friend,  David

Пятнице, 4 Ноября    После того как я об этом думаю, было бы хорошо, если вы пишете на русском.  Давным-давно я изучал немного русский язык. Возможно, я смогу узнать больше.

English:  Friday, November 4,   After I think about it, it would be better if you write in Russian.  A long time ago I studied a little Russian.  Maybe I can learn more.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Spanish table, 2 November, 2011

Hace meses que no escribo de la mesa española.  Éramos cuatro hoy día y tuvimos una buena conversación sobre la política de Argentina, el uso de las palabras "monte" y "montaña", (los dos significan "mountain" en inglés, pero son diferentes en español) y la vida en Minnesota.  ¡Qué bueno que tenemos esta mesa!  Aunque tenemos miembros que no pueden asistir muchas veces, o sólo pueden venir muy de tarde a causa del trabajo.  Por favor contácteme en los "comments" abajo, o por email a, si tenga de interés en reuniónes los sábados o depués de las seis durante la semana.  Para mí, lo mejor sería sábados a mediodía, pero pudiera ser otra hora.  ¡Qué les vaya bién!         David

English:  It's been months since I've written about the Spanish table.  We were four today, and had a good conversation about Argentine politics, the use of the words "monte" and "montaña", (they both mean "mountain" in English, but are different in Spanish) and life in Minnesota.  It's so good that we have this table!  Although we have members who cannot often attend, or come late because of work.  Please contact me in the comments below or by email at, if you're interested in meetings on Saturdays or after six during the week.  For me, the best time would be Saturdays at noon, but it could be another time.
Wishing you the best!           David