Monday, November 28, 2011

Norsk og Minnesotisk, Norwegian and Minnesotan

Note to English speakers:  The Minnesotan "th" sound, as in "the, then, that" has no equivalent in English.  It's a cross between the English "th" and "d" sound, a very soft "d", similar to the Spanish "d" in "cada".  At least here in Northwestern Minnesota.  You must also lengten your "o", like MinnesotanAnd remember to vary your tones a little when you talk, almost like singin  doncha know..
Ordliste  Vocabulary
kunne                        ville                            skulle                              hadde
could or coulda         would or woulda       should or shoulda           had or hadda

På norskebordet snakket vi over gramatikk, Spesifisere modal aksiliere med forgangen partisipelen.
At the Norwegian table we talked about grammar.  Specially modal auxiliaries wit past participles.

Det var meget vanskelig, men det var lettere, om du tenker på minnesotisk da.
It was really tuff, but it was easier when you tink in Minnesotan ya know.

Tak til buken "Spoken Norwegian" på Haugen og Chapman for eksemplene.
Tanks to the book "Spoken Norwegian" by Haugen and Chapman for the examples.

Det ville være hyggelig.                                 Det ville vært hyggelig
That would be nice                                        That woulda been nice

Hvordan ville du ordne det da?                     Hvordan ville du ordnet det da?
How would you arrange it then?                  How woulda you arrangt it then?

Der kunne du gå på ski året rundt.               Der kunne du gått på ski året rundt
there you could go skiin year rount              There ya coulda gone skiin year rount.

Du skulle tale minnesotisk da                        Du skulle talet minnesotisk da.
Ya should talk Minnesotan ya know             Ya shoulda talked Minnesotan ya know.

Ja da, det var ikke så vanskelig da.              Ya sure now, that wasn't so tuff then.

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