Friday, March 29, 2013

No Meeting for French and Norwegian tables on March 30

     Ce samedi, le 30 mars, les tables de francais et norvegien ne se rencontrerent pas.  C.est qu'ils se retournerent le 6 avril.  Bonnes vacances!

     Lordag, 30de mars, frankenbordet og norskebordet skal ikke mote.  Igjen de skal mote 6 april.  God ferie!

     Saturday, March 30, the French and Norwegian tables will not be meeting.  They will both return on April 6.  Have a good vacation!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Oggi, il 18 marzo, non ci riuniemo. We do not meet today, March 18

C'e la prima volta che uso questa macchina. questa camara.  Oggi non ci riunemo al tavalo italiano perche fa molto neve.  Che avete una buona giornata, e vediamo la prossima settimana.  Gracie, ciao.

This is the first time I"ve used this machine, camera.  Today we will not be meeting at the Italian table because of the big snowfall.  Have a great day, and we'll see you next week.  Thanks and bye.

Mi scuse per la qualite.  Facio migliore la prossima volta.

Excuse the quality.  I do better the next time.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Chinese new time and place. 中文 新 时间,处所。Zhong1wen2 xin1 shi2jian1, chu4suo3

     中文 桌子 改变 时间,处所。 我们 星期二 5点钟,在 Hobsen 上 学生会, 第 二 系上聚会。 看 学生会 的 地图 在 "Table Locations" 右边的。 点击 “Terrace Lounge, Hobsen Union" 看 地图。  来吧!说 汉语 跟 朋友。  星期二 见!

     Zhong1wen2 zhuo1zi gai3bian4 shi2jian1, chu4suo3.  Wo3men xing1qi1er4 wu3 dian3zhong, zai4 Hobsen shang4 xue2sheng hui4, di4 er4 ji2shang4 ju4 hui4.  Kan4 xue2shenghui4 de di4tu2 zai4  "Table Locations" you4bian1 de.  Dian3ji1 "Terrace Lounge, Hobsen Union" kan4 di4 tu2.  Lai2 ba!  Shuo1 han4yu3 gen peng2you3.  Xing1qi1er4 jian4!

     The Chinese table is changing time and location.  We will be meeting Tuesdays at five o'clock on the second level of Hobsen upper union.  Look to the right under "Table locations" to see a map of the student union.  Click on "Terrace Lounge, Hobsen Union" for map.  Come speak Mandarin with friends.  See you Tuesday!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Rick's Ojibwe Blogsite

     Rick gikinawaabi Ojibwemowin.  Gaye odayaan blogsite.  Baatayiinadoon mino-ozhibii'iganan iwidi o-blog-ong.  Indagindaas, izhi-ninanda-gikendaan.  Rick, Migwech niibowaa.

     Rick is learning Ojibwe and also has a blogsite.  They are many the good writings there on his blogsite.  By reading them I am learning.  Many thanks to you Rick.

     For anyone learning or interested in the Ojibwe language, take a look at Rick's site here at  You will find excellent notes and commentary on the Pimsleur CD's and many other topics.  Just click on the link above and brouse about his site.  You're sure to find it worthwhile.