Rick gikinawaabi Ojibwemowin. Gaye odayaan blogsite. Baatayiinadoon mino-ozhibii'iganan iwidi o-blog-ong. Indagindaas, izhi-ninanda-gikendaan. Rick, Migwech niibowaa.
Rick is learning Ojibwe and also has a blogsite. They are many the good writings there on his blogsite. By reading them I am learning. Many thanks to you Rick.
For anyone learning or interested in the Ojibwe language, take a look at Rick's site here at indoojibwem.blogspot.com. You will find excellent notes and commentary on the Pimsleur CD's and many other topics. Just click on the link above and brouse about his site. You're sure to find it worthwhile.
Thanks so much for mentioning my Ojibwe blog, ,David. It's much appreciated.