Saturday, August 20, 2011

French and Norwegian Tables 20 August 2011

Le Jardin potoger,  Hagen

Ce matin il y avait 3 personnes à la table française.  Nous avons discutê la tempête du jeudi soir, notres familles, et notre jardins potagers.  Vers les jardins, c’est une qui a des potrions, une des zucchinis, et tous a des haricots et tomates verts.  Ça va bien la table.

4 folk har kommet til Norskebordet.  Vi har noen snakket over familiene våre.  Den gang har vi leset noen avsnitter uten en artikel „Godt Humør„ i buken „Livskvelden„ på Fredrik Wisløff.  De var en bra møte.

For an English translation, click on „comments„ below.  The first entry will be an English translation.

1 comment:

  1. English translation.

    There were 3 people at the French table this morning. We discussed last Thursday night's storm, our families, and our gardens. Regarding the gardens, one person has pumpkins, one has zucchinis, and all have green beans and green tomatoes. The table went well.

    4 people came to the Norwegian table. We talked some about our families. Then we read a few paragraphs from an article, "Good Humor" in the book "Life's Evening" by Fredrik Wisloff. It was a good meeting.

    Picture caption, "the garden"
