Ayer la mesa de español se reunió al Wild Hare. Nos hablamos un poco de la historia del Canal de Panamá y las dificultades en el desarollo de relaciónes entre Colombia y Los Estados Unidos. También hablamos de nuestras familias y del buen tiempo que ya tenemos. Sólamente vinieron tres, sino una buena discusión.
Gestern der Deutschetisch im Cabin Restaurant begegnet hat. Wir haben über unsere Familien und das Wetter gespracht. Auch haben wir über Kürse im Universität und Concordia Sprachdorfen bespracht. Später die Tema war Englische unterrichten in andere Lände. Nur zwei personnen gekommen sind, aber gute besprechnung war.
For an English translation, click on "comments" below. The first entry is an English translation. Feel free to correct my errors.
Yesterday the Spanish table met at the Wild Hare. We talked some of the history of the Panama Canal and the difficulties in the development of relations between Columbia and the United States. We also talked about our families and the good weather we're now having. Only 3 people came, but it was a good discussion.
ReplyDeleteYesterday the German table met at the Cabin Restaurant.We talked about our families and the weather. We also talked about courses at the University and Concordia Language Villages. Later the subject was teaching English in other countries. Only 2 people came, but a good discussion was had.