Thursday, January 3, 2013

Starting Ojibwe

     For the past 14 years I've lived in Northern Minnesota, not 20 miles from 2 different bands of Ojibwe, and yet I know so little of the Ojibwe language, culture and history.  I wasted too many opportunities to learn about this culture.  That will change.
     For the last week I've been reviewing the site,,  a site I mentioned previously when I wrote about the Ojibwe language tables in Bemidji.  I've also reviewed a grammar site at "short notes on ojibwe grammar."  I don't understand much of it yet, but it will make more sense after I've learned more words and phrases.
     Today I ordered the book pictured above, "Everything you wanted to know about Indians but were afraid to ask" by Anton Treuer.  I know the title sounds a little hoaky, but I read the excerpts on, and I  have a great respect for Dr. Treuer.  He is a professor of Ojibwe language and culture here at our local college, and a leader in the Ojibwe community.
     I've also ordered the Pimsleur CD's for the first 10 Ojibwe lessons.  I used Pimsleur's Turkish CD's when I was learning Turkish, and it gave me some basic vocabulary, basic phrases, and help with pronunciation.
     While I'm waiting for these to arrive, I'll be continuing to review the Ojibwe language blogspot, and scouring the internet for other resources.
     After I've completed the first 10 Pimsleur lessons, and whatever else I find on the internet, I plan to start attending one of the Ojibwe conversation tables here in Bemidji, and use whatever other resources I encounter along the way.  Hopefully, within 2 or 3 months I'll have an initial acquaintance with the language and culture, and a richer relationship with the Ojibwe community here in Northern Minnesota.
     If you have any comments or suggestions for me, please write in the "comments below, or send me an email.

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